Friday, March 6, 2009

The Potential of AdSense

Okay, AdSense seems relatively simple, so what’s all the fuss about? Well, the easy answer to that is money. Publishers use AdSense because it’s a potential revenue stream that might not otherwise be available to them. In some rare cases, you may have heard of AdSense publishers making $20,000 or more each month. Those are rare cases, but it’s possible to build a decent revenue stream with AdSense if you manage the use of the ads carefully on sites that are very well designed. Is it likely that you’ll get rich? No. What is likely is that you might be able to make enough to cover your Web site hosting or even enough to cover your mortgage. AdSense definitely has the potential. How you manage the program combined with how well your
site is designed and the amount of traffic that your site receives determine how much you make.
In the coming pages, you can find out about all the tips and secrets that will help you maximize the potential of AdSense for your Web site. It all starts in getting started with adsense, where I walk you through how to sign up for an AdSense account and get it set up on your site, so keep reading. Plenty more information is to come.